Sunday, October 21, 2012


R.I.P "The Pole Guy/Origami guy"

What a day at the club... unbelievable, bouncers prevented the guy from entering the club..
so he went to climb up the electric pole, doing i don't know what... i suppose "trying to cut the power". Poor guy got electrocuted up there, his feet got stuck and he kept hanging at the top... horrific. he caught fire then fell to  the ground. Ouch... People tried to assist the injured guy, but i don't think there were anything we could do. called the police and ambulance. The police came to the spot first then they took him to the nearest hospital. Sad story... Rest in peace.


300 WANTANS? Yeps, made it all at vans' place... Only ate like 25? haha

Sometimes people do things we cant explain.

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