Sunday, November 11, 2012


This is how I see love.

Love is passion, respect and happiness.It is a connection between two souls that is out of the norms.
It is a feeling you can't create, something out of control. We can't help who we fall for. It is one of the best feeling and emotion in life. The warmth of Love. I've felt it before and hopefully once again in the future. I've never had regrets falling for anyone, the happiest moments of my life. I wish it could go on, but things are the way they are =)

But in Love, we also find hurtful moments, betrayal and sadness. It can destroy one person in a second. It crushes you from the inside. You lose your everything and you obviously fall down.

So be strong and move on. Life is too short for regrets and we should all enjoy it. Love brings up the best memories in Life and that's the most important thing to remember. We all need the Love. No matter how hurt you were before, we all recover one day but it takes time. Build up from where you left and become a better person. Smile to Life and life will smile to you.

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